Monday, May 29, 2006

SW's New Logo

SW's New Logo, originally uploaded by RumAli.

Friday, May 26, 2006

First Game in New House

First Game in New House, originally uploaded by RumAli.

I'm not going to the Arden Cup this year - I had gone the last three years. Honestly, I don't feel that I'm ready. I've yet to look at a list of the New 8's, which should explain why I let TRITONAL*, played by my regular opponent, the Scrabble expert Eric Z., stay unchallenged. Held, yes, but not challenged. I figured it was a new 8.

DHOORIs* is also not good (neither is DHOORI*). I mixed it up for DHOOTI. My bingoes: NESTLER and NUTMEGS. I lost 425-458.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Dave Donges of the Batten Revue

Dave Donges of the Batten Revue, originally uploaded by RumAli.

The Batten Revue rode again this past weekend at Darling Hall. We finally properly returned the favor to our friends in Madison, WI, members of the Wisconsin Pop Explosion. For the past four years, they've helped build our name in their hometown. We've been trying to do the same for them in Milwaukee, but it has been hard.

Anyway, the show was really great and I was properly jacked on the right amount of alcohol. I've always known that there was an optimum amount of inebriation, but I've never really figured how much it would take for me in a performance. Tonight, for the record, I had two beers before the show.

I needed it. My most recent ex-girlfriend was in the audience with her new boyfriend, dancing. That's tough. So it's a great thing "Everybody Knows" by the Dave Clark Five is in our set.

"Everybody knows you will never be mine!
Everybody knows, I'm just wasting my time!

I want to forget you as fast as I can, but everytime I see you the hurting begins again!"

Every song, it seems, became a paeon to our shortened relationship. Even the one about how polluted Lake Michigan is.

Friday, May 19, 2006

The One

The One, originally uploaded by RumAli.

This kid is amazing. Sativa, too.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

My Cellists

My Cellists, originally uploaded by RumAli.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Movies and Masala

Movies and Masala, originally uploaded by RumAli.

The Green Gallery has become the new micro-cinema in Milwaukee. Just like the old one (the venerable Bamboo Theater), it houses a monthly movies and food screening. At the Bamboo Theater, it was called "Soup and Cinema." Here at the Green Gallery, the free potluck screening is called "Movies and Masala."

Tonight was a screening of "early work." People brought very amusing stuff, featuring young-looking people. It was a great glimpse into the creative history of some of my friends and acquaintances. I bought a video that didn't go too far back and was actually quite serious. In that regard, I'm kind of glad that the VCR couldn't read my audio track. The video I bought featured quotes by Plutarch. The video that Scott Reeder bought featured him, his brother, and Ray doing a Pink Floyd cover. Laughts abound.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Freedom Isn't Free, Yo!

Freedom Isn't Free, Yo!, originally uploaded by RumAli.

Although she isn't in this picture, the main reason we made an outing to The Shooter's Shop in West Allis, WI to exercise was to celebrate Mother's Day with Patricia, who is the mom to the women in the center of the picture.

It was lovely. Micaela got this crazy Smith and Wesson with a barrel as long as my forearm. Each bullet cost $3. Shot twice and that's enough for a cup of soup and a grilled cheese at the Riverwest Food Co-op!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Hammock via Helmet

Hammock via Helmet, originally uploaded by RumAli.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Couch On Cinders

Couch On Cinders, originally uploaded by RumAli.

The house made great strides this past weekend when I selected and John delivered this olive-colored vinyl couch. It's last home was the Green Gallery.

I have been moving about a dozen cinder blocks from place to place over the years, using them as supports for bookshelves, beds, tables. We used four of them to make this couch stable.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Backyard With Dandelions

Backyard With Dandelions, originally uploaded by RumAli.

Last week, Polina and I did some work finishing all that pizza I bought for the move the previous Sunday. That was $70 worth of pizza for about seven people!

The dandelions had just bloomed and I like how they look by my next door neighboor (pictured with her back to the camera) says that I should mow them before they bloom.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Redskins vs. Bills

Redskins vs. Bills, originally uploaded by RumAli.

I told friends that I wasn't going to practice for and during Season 5. (I had also told friends that I wasn't even going to *compete* in Season 5.) As such, my first game of the season againt Angelo, who controlled the Redskins, was only my second game with me controlling the mighty Vikings. Despite missing a field goal and two point afters, I won. I have a better record now than Asian Mike, who, typically, remains the "man to beat." Poor reigning Madden Champ Mr. Douglas. He gets absolutely no respect. None. Nada. Zip.
